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Erdan Aloro, Male Elf [Permalink]

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Description: He wears light armors faded through time and improper care. He has no hair. His face is scarred and worn.

Personality: He is a very philanthropic person; he spends his free time working at various soup kitchens. He does not believe in violence as a means to an end. He is a dedicated Server but believes his peers are too gung-ho.

History: Erdan hails from a village terrorized by illithids. He moved from fad to fad and when he turned 15 he discovered poetry. He used his abilities to travel the world and help people.

Motivation: Revenge.

Ideals: Philantrophist, Pacifist, Artistic. Flaws: Ugly. Bonds: Enemies. Occupation: Server

Voice: Squeaky

Attributes [hide]

Erdan Aloro, Male Elf Wizard 14
Medium (5'2") Elf, Chaotic Good (CR 14)
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 45 (14d4)
Speed 30 ft.
12 (+1)18 (+4) 11 (+0)18 (+4) 15 (+2)16 (+3)
Skills Athletics +6, Stealth +9
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elven, Terran, Aquan, Draconic, Gnoll
Attacks Melee +6 / 4d6+1, Ranged +9 / 4d6+4, Grapple +9
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day17444443320

Possessions: 4000 gp. A detailed rose, with petals and thorns, constructed of silver and electrum (40 gp). Silver chalice with lapis lazuli gems (100 gp). Cloth of gold vestments (100 gp). Fire opal pendant on a fine gold chain (600 gp). Ceremonial electrum dagger with a star ruby in the pommel (1600 gp). Large well-done wool tapestry (300 gp). Silver-plated steel longsword with jet jewel in hilt (800 gp). A pair of blacksmith’s puzzle; each has a pair of interlocked iron designs that users try to take apart and put back together (40 gp). Ceremonial electrum dagger with a star ruby in the pommel (1600 gp). 1 Medium magic item.

Social Check DCs

Raer Meliamne, Male Elf [Permalink]

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Description: This dark-skinned male is typically in his Scribe uniform. He is tall, broad shouldered and powerfully built. With a patchy white beard and wild white hair. His skin is flawless and his gray eyes scan people very quickly.

Personality: Raer wants to be seen as a stoic, levelheaded, noble Wizard, so he tries to act the part. He does a good job, for the most part... He has all his life been fascinated with poetry.

History: He was raised happily, as a normal child born to his mother and father. His mother taught him the rudiments of the Scribe arts, while his father instructed him in etiquette, music and courtly manner. Like his mother and his sister before him, after school he went straight into learning to become a Scribe. By chance he met his sister recently and the two have been together since.

Motivation: His spouse's relatives view him with great suspicion; and he has money and likes to spend it

Ideals: Disciplined, Artistic. Bonds: Job, Attractive, Rich, Family. Occupation: Scribe

Voice: High pitched, excited

Attributes [hide]

Raer Meliamne, Male Elf Wizard 12
Medium (4'10") Elf, Chaotic Good (CR 12)
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 55 (12d4)
Speed 30 ft.
15 (+2)16 (+3) 15 (+2)13 (+1) 15 (+2)11 (+0)
Skills Animal Handling +6, Religion +5
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elven, Dwarven
Attacks Melee +6 / 3d10+2, Ranged +7 / 3d10+3, Grapple +3
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day134444

Possessions: 3000 gp. Rhodochrosite (9 gp).

Social Check DCs

Paelias Mystralath, Male Elf [Permalink]

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Description: He wears grey robes with leather pauldrons. Though occasionally he wears more armor. He prefers to carry a dagger, but if one is not available he will default to his greataxe. He carries with him a set of greataxes, each one with a amethyst on the hilt. He only wears one on his belt and the other on his back. His small hat is riddled with cuts and holes. He has gleaming, smiling green eyes.

Personality: He fancies himself a trickster and likes to rely on his wits to carry the day. He cares for his older siblings and likes to be recognized by them. He is a logical person and will generally grow upset if things defy logic and science.

History: He was born into a rich family. He dropped out of school before completing his studies. He has since lost track of the people in his past.

Motivation: Money/treasure.

Ideals: Fighting, Logical. Flaws: Ugly. Bonds: Family, Rich. Occupation: Stylist

Voice: Slurs words

Attributes [hide]

Paelias Mystralath, Male Elf Wizard 12
Medium (4'11") Elf, Chaotic Good (CR 12)
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 31 (12d4)
Speed 30 ft.
12 (+1)11 (+0) 11 (+0)12 (+1) 12 (+1)15 (+2)
Skills Animal Handling +5, Insight +5
Senses Passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Elven, Dwarven
Attacks Melee +5 / 3d10+1, Ranged +4 / 3d10+0, Grapple +1
DC 0 1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Spell /Day13444

Possessions: 4000 gp. Bloodstone (60 gp). Malachite (11 gp). Golden yellow topaz (800 gp). Azurite (11 gp). Iolite (60 gp). Golden yellow topaz (800 gp). Alexandrite (800 gp). 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item. 1 Minor magic item.

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