
No Prep Module: Elemental Power for D&D or RPGs

This adventure can be can be easily customized to a party of any size or level, or run as a level 4 adventure for 5 players. It can work as a small side adventure in an existing campaign, as a standalone one-shot, or the start of a new adventure. Use the links to the tools in their relevant section to customize the adventure to your party.

Gearmont is defended by magical constructs and wards, and is known for dark magic. The City is ruled by a mysterious cabal that doesn't show their faces. The races live together mostly in harmony.

The PCs learn from a courier that a local crime boss is selling information on a powerful artifact to the highest bidder. They can either outbid rival adventure parties (who may be willing to go as high as 1000 gold) or sneak into the bathhouse and spy on the meeting.

You can use the following map for the bathhouse or use your own: Bath House Map Bath House Map

Heward Carlyle is the local crime boss, and if the PCs don't outbid then the meeting will be held with a half-orc adventurer in orcish. The PCs will need to either speak the language or figure out how to parse what's being said while remaining unseen.

If they're completely unable to understand the meeting, they could find Heward's notes instead.

The party learns of a gem that grants great power and can decide to claim it. The gem is in a ruined citadel deep within a swamp. If the PCs try to learn more about the location, they'll also learn that a pair of dragons make their home in the swamp and can often be seen flying overhead.

The road gradually disappears and is replaced by a moss-encrusted path through the marsh. There's a light rain and a heavy wind blowing through the brambles and cypress trees in the bog. Ahead, through the rain, you see a large wall of brown stone lined with spikes and topped by statues of beholders with horned heads. There's a strong woosh of air as an adult green dragon flies overhead.

Heavy wind causes disadvantage on sight/hearing checks, and ranged weapon attack rolls. Extinguishes open flames, disperses fog, and makes flight impossible. Antagonizing the dragons isn't a great idea, you can roll for random encounters if you like or have the PCs arrive at the citadel without much trouble so long as they're keeping a low profile.

Dungeon Map

Enemy Patrol: 2 Azer Artisan (CR 3: Monster Module p. 13) [Hard, 1,400 XP rewarded] [Customize]
Chance of Encounter Per Rest: 10%

Room Contents

You can also generate different descriptions using the Description Generator. The dungeon starts at room 21, with the final showdown in room 15.


The aromas of sulfur and well-oiled wood hit your nostrils as you enter. In the center of this chamber stands a great black desk. Nearby a tasseled rope hangs from a hole in the ceiling. There is a banded door in the south wall and a smaller unbanded door in the east wall.

There are 3 Rime Worm Grub (CR 1: Tome of Beasts p. 327), 1 Lava Child (CR 1: Fifth Edition Foes p. 161) [Medium, 800 XP rewarded] here. [Customize]

In the south passage is a locked door (DC 15). Key could be found on a nearby creature or furniture.


Smashed glass and the remains of shattered tables cover the floor in the dry section of the hall. Granite arches support a ceiling covered with frescoes 10 feet overhead. The frescoes depict armored knights on horseback, their finer features ruined beyond recognition. Cut into the wall is a small but strong-looking door of iron plates, about five feet tall and four feet wide. Massive rivets stud its surface, and a tarnished silver rune glints on the door’s rusted face. Massive doors of iron-bound ash exit to the east and west.

In this hall is Spiderwebs (DC 12 Dex or restrained. DC 12 Athletics or Acrobatics to escape. AC 10, 15 HP, fire vulnerability, immunity to bludgeoning / piercing / psychic)

There is a pressure plate here. The pressure plate needs to be kept weighed down, which causes the gate to rise back up into the ceiling at the green passage.

In the east passage (green) is a large gate that has been lowered to block the path.


A trickle of water seeping down from the hillside above reaches this irregular cavern, nourishing a profusion of fungus—weird puffballs, tall caps, and patches of cobwebs in a variety of colors. Several tables stand throughout the cavern, weighed down by stacks of glass flasks and jars, all of them bearing labels. The mouth of a side cavern leads into blackness beyond. A door next to the far wall leads to the east.

In this cavern is a trap. This trap is activated when a creature touches its surface, which causes the needle to spring out, delivering a dose of poison.

Effect: Targets any creature that touches it, Placed in lock or opening mechanism, dealing 2 (1d10) poison damage and DC 11 CON save or be poisoned for 1 hour.

Trigger: touch trigger, activates when surface is touched by a creature.

Countermeasures: A spell or other effect that can sense the presence of magic, such as detect magic, reveals an aura of divination magic around the surface. A successful dispel magic (DC 11) cast on the surface destroys the trap.

Destroying the mechanism will prevent the trap from triggering but also render the object unopenable. [Customize]

In the west passage (green) is a large gate that has been lowered to block the path.


The ceiling here rises about 85 feet above, and skins and baskets covers the floor. The light from above falls directly on a bronze sculpture. A gate of wrought iron stands in the east wall. The tunnel continues behind the hall, curving abruptly to the west and out of sight.

There are 3 Fire Snake (CR 1: Monster Manual p. 265), 1 Azer (CR 2: Monster Manual p. 22) [Hard, 1,050 XP rewarded] here. [Customize]

In the west passage is an unlocked door.

In the east passage is an unlocked door.


The slow dripping of water echoes where it falls from stalactites down into a foggy puddle that fills the dirt-caked tunnel ahead. The aromas of alcohol and well-oiled wood hit your nostrils as you enter. Cut into the wall is a small but strong-looking door of iron plates, about five feet tall and four feet wide. Dense rivets stud its surface, and a tarnished silver rune shimmers on the door’s rusted face. The south end of the hall ends at an iron door.

An object in this hall posessed by a long dead merchant that gives useful alchemy advice.

In the south passage is an unlocked door.


This 40-foot-square cavern is stifled with clutter. The aromas of pollen and well-oiled wood hit your nostrils as you enter. The gate to the north and south are sheathed in bronze. Double doors of iron stand closed to the north.

There are 2 Small Water Elemental (CR 1/2: Nerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 41), 1 Pyrefly (CR 1/4: Nerzugal's Extended Bestiary p. 84), 2 Galvanice Weird (CR 1: Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica), 1 Gargoyle (CR 2: Monster Manual p. 140) [Hard, 1,100 XP rewarded] here. [Customize]

In the south passage is an unlocked door.


A separate, confined trail leads to the dark center of the hall, where a string hangs from above. A few hungry ravens make their home here, but upon your sudden arrival, they retreat to the shadows. The hall also contains a granite desk set with a chair, and a chest built into the floor. Several tables stand throughout the hall, weighed down by stacks of glass phials and bottles, all of them bearing labels. An opening at the eastern end of the hall continues into a tunnel, from which a chilly wind moans. A barricade stands closed to the north. Past the hall, the passageway turns back to rough granite and turns to the south.

An object in this hall contains an imprisoned creature.


The splashing of water deep below is barely audible over the roar of a waterfall. The corridor opens into a small, low chamber. Double doors of iron stand closed to the west. Pieces of rusty plate armor are littered about this chamber amid the rubble of destroyed granite furnaces. A dark archway leads out through the east wall.

There are 3 Gargoyle (CR 2: Monster Manual p. 140) [Deadly, 1,350 XP rewarded] here. [Customize]

In the west passage is an unlocked door.


This crumbling room is cluttered with moss and leaves broken by a solitary vacant pathway down its center. A ten-foot-long iron rod attached to the north wall stands bare, suggesting something once hung there. Precarious corridors lead off to the west and the south.

There are 3 Lava Child (CR 1: Fifth Edition Foes p. 161) [Easy, 600 XP rewarded] here. [Customize]


Everything in this room is coated with mud, including a small table in the middle of the floor. Bits of smashed rubbish and other debris are peppered about the floor. A dozen large gowns hang on the walls from bronze hooks. Bronze hooks line the walls, and a dirt-caked blue slack hangs from one hook in the middle of the north wall. Life-sized statuettes of giants line the corridor on both sides, their eyes seeming to follow you. In the northwest corner is an old well full of swampy ichor. 15 feet ahead, arched doorways lead north and south from each side of the hallway. In each arched doorway, an iron door stands closed.

In this room is a trap. An enchanted eyeball watches an area. The trap is triggered when the eye sees movement within its periphery, which activates a magic imbued trap that casts magic missile at the target.

Effect: One target, 7 (1d10) force damage

Trigger: motion sensing eye, an enchanted eyeball watches over the area.

Countermeasures: A spell or other effect that can sense the presence of magic, such as detect magic, reveals an aura of divination magic on the eye. A successful dispel magic (DC 11) cast on the eye disables the trap.

Casting dispel magic (DC 10) will prevent the missiles from firing. [Customize]


This cavern is musty and dark. Fuzzy mold hang like dusty lace down every side of the cavern. 25 feet ahead, arched doorways lead north and south from each side of the hallway. In each arched doorway, an iron door stands closed.

There are 3 Lava Child (CR 1: Fifth Edition Foes p. 161) [Easy, 600 XP rewarded] here. [Customize]

In the south passage is a locked door (DC 15). Key could be found on a nearby creature or furniture.


This 25-foot-high chamber has a dark, vaulted ceiling covered with cobwebs. A vast pot bubbles over a blazing silver brazier in the middle of the chamber, its blue, swampy contents churning. The arched wood bars in the west wall is swathed with velvet drapes. A jagged, eight-foot-tall monolith of gray rock stands here, the stone laced with mold that shimmer with an unusual light. Enamels faded with age adorn the chamber, but their details are impossible to make out. The walls here are dirt-caked, and look as if they once supported built-in shelves that have been reduced to rubble. Another door on the east wall is partially ajar, while a passage to the north leads toward a black room. A short flight of stone steps leads down to an iron door that stands half-open.

In this chamber is a trap. Targets all lawful creatures that touch it, DC 18 WIS save or take 31 (4d10) damage and become confused stunned for 2 (1d4) rounds

Trigger: touch trigger, activates when surface is touched by a creature.

Countermeasures: A spell or other effect that can sense the presence of magic, such as detect magic, reveals an aura of divination magic around the surface. A successful dispel magic (DC 18) cast on the surface destroys the trap.


In the east passage is a locked door (DC 15). Key could be found on a nearby creature or furniture.

In the south passage is an unlocked door.


Array windows allow little light to enter this upstairs room. Empty bronze sconces dot the walls. Several furnishings decorate this room, made entirely of human bones. Directly across from the stained glass window stands a set of double doors in the south wall. A short flight of stairs leads up to a huge, iron-bound door. A slick dwarf skull is fixed to the center of the door by a bronze spike.

In the room is a puzzle: What is it that after you take away the whole, some still remains? A: Wholesome.

If the puzzle is solved, they find 2900 cp, 700 sp, 70 gp, Wand of magic detection,

25 gp valuables (100 gp total): Embroidered silk handkerchief, Silver ewer, Copper chalice with silver filigree, and Black velvet mask stitched with silver thread


Distant battle seems to travel the length of the hallway as it rises and falls. Muddy inkwells and books border the walls of this room. Cracked bed frames and torn bits of mattress litter the floors. Hide blankets are carelessly littered over the floor. Dusty air clings to the floor, obscuring everything that lies less than four feet above it. To the west and north are two alcoves clogged with dank beds and dirty rags. The tunnel continues behind the room, curving abruptly to the north and out of sight.

If the room is searched, they find 15 cp


A dark, frigid tunnel twists down into the lair, the air growing more stagnant. An old portal sit against the east wall, a bronze holy symbol mounted above. At the base of the portal is a rune-covered pedestal holding a glimmering gem.

There are 2 Orog (Monster Manual p. 247), 1 Chupacabra (Fifth Edition Foes p. 56), 2 Noble (Monster Manual p. 348), 2 Guard (Monster Manual p. 347) [Deadly, 1,200 XP rewarded] here. [Customize]

A rival adventuring party arrives shortly after the PCs.

Sitting at the base of the portal is the gem upon a pedestal covered in runes. Studying the runes reveals the truth: the "great power" of the gem summons a massive fire elemental to devour the world. Unfortunately the other adventuring party aren't too keen on listening to the PCs and still want to claim the gem for themselves, making a fight likely.

The gem gives a player a debuff that reduces all their attributes by 2 and deals increasing damage (1d6 first round, 2d6 second round, etc), but if they make a touch attack against another creature the curse is transferred to the person touched. The NPCs can then do the same to the PCs.


This 45-foot-square room is in chaos. The room contains three curtained alcoves as well as a larger area stuffed with wine barrels. Three mossy windows allow precious little light to enter, and between them are two empty helmets. A plain iron door is set into the east wall, and light seeps through its cracks. Cut into the wall is a small but strong-looking door of iron plates, about five feet tall and four feet wide. Massive rivets stud its surface, and a tarnished silver rune twinkles on the door’s rusted face.

An object in this room when carried/used, masks your scent from a certain type of monster in the dungeon.

In the east passage is a locked door (DC 15). Key could be found on a nearby creature or furniture.


The occasional dripping of slime echoes where it falls from above down into a dirty pond that fills the cracked tunnel ahead. A heavy book lies open on a green orb, with a scroll and an inkwell next to it. Light slips into this hall through small holes in the walls. Across the hall, a set of double doors stands closed. To the west, lofty double doors hang slightly ajar, and a steady dim light escapes through the slit. A short flight of stairs leads up to a cramped, iron-bound door. A moist yuan-ti skull is fixed to the center of the door by a bronze spike.

In this hall is A Shrieker (Basic Rules pg. 309)

In the east passage is an unlocked door.


This room glimmers with a potent phosphorescence. The gate to the west and north are sheathed in bronze. A short flight of natural stone steps leads down to an iron door that stands half-open.

In this room is A Shrieker (Basic Rules pg. 309)


A rocky ledge sits at the top of a steep, irregular rockfall about 85 feet high. At the far southern end of the hall, a small bronze red orb stands atop a granite podium. It faces east, away from most of the hall. Light filters into the hall through the steel lattice squares of three headed glass windows. Hallways lead off to the north and the east.

An object in this hall locks or unlocks exits.

In the east passage is an unlocked door.


Off to the side, four oversized straw pallets look recently used. Granite tables lie in pieces on the floor at the east end of the room. Farther away, a single door leads from the west wall.

If the room is searched, they find 2200 cp, 1100 sp, 90 gp,

50 gp valuables (350 gp total): Chrysoprase (translucent green), Chalcedony (opaque white), Star rose quartz (translucent rosy stone with white star-shaped center), Zircon (transparent pale blue-green), Moonstone (translucent white with pale blue glow), Bloodstone (opaque dark gray with red flecks), and Sardonyx (opaque bands of red and white)

There are 3 Rime Worm Grub (CR 1: Tome of Beasts p. 327) [Easy, 600 XP rewarded] here. [Customize]


Sweet smells waft from this delicately lit room. Life-sized statues of dwarves line the passageway on both sides, their eyes seeming to watch you. A concave ceiling caps the 35-foot-wide L-shaped room before you. Portals sit away from the double doors that give access to the room.

In the north passage is an unlocked door.

After claiming the gem and escaping the dungeon, the PCs must now protect the gem from occasional adventurers while finding out how to destroy it or deciding what to do with it.

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